Life doesn't always just hand us lemons. It's not that easy. Sometimes our greatest gifts are a little harder to grasp. Imagine someone thinking they're being such a clever jokester by giving you a present that involves opening a series of boxes before reaching the actual thing. Turns out the real box you're looking for is tiny compared to the giant first box. So maybe you're a little disappointed. You were hoping for something huge and insanely awesome. But you open the miniature box, and pull out a pair of diamond earrings.
Not to say that you will be given a pair of diamond earrings anytime soon, but yes, it's true. Great things can come in small packages. In fact, they often do. And that's what life is all about. We've got to recognize all of our little blessings. Maybe even take it a step further, and share those blessings. Basically, life is a big old present that we receive everyday when we wake up. Some of us can't get past the disappointment of our tiny so-called gifts, while the rest of us are psyched because we realize how gifted we truly are. Well, that's a wrap! (No pun intended.)
xoxo Jess.
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