Wednesday, April 15, 2015

All Star Week

     This week, my mind is playing the “so much to do, so much to see” lyric of Smash Mouth’s “All Star” on repeat. Yes, I wish I had a better song stuck in my head, but nevertheless, this lyric perfectly describes my current mental state. If a thought settles in my mind for longer than a moment, you better believe I write it down on anything with the slightest resemblance to paper.  

     I think we can all agree that busyness is good to an extent. It’s only when you find yourself wearing your socks inside out and spilling coffee down your shirt that you need to reevaluate (and yes, I did actually experience this series of unfortunate events.) Being busy is good, having an overcrowded mind is not. There is so much truth in the tired old phrase, “You can’t do everything.” You really can’t… I’ve tried!

     Juggling too many good things can make all the good go bad. After all, how can you enjoy the things you love when you don’t have time to? Yet again, the clock creates a conundrum. The only solution is to consolidate. Hone in on what matters. I think I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I might not be able to be a journalist, photographer, graphic designer, musician, and songwriter as well as a veterinarian, history teacher, barista, and the first woman president. Dreams are good, but making them happen is better. So we have to choose which dreams to pursue and which dreams to leave as abstract aspirations in the cloudy subconscious. 

     Although it may seem otherwise, realism is an essential complement to optimism. Without dreams, we cannot form our best reality; and without a sense of reality, we cannot accomplish our dreams. The two work hand in hand. I have spent my fair share of years in the lofty world of dreams, and I am excited to rejoin reality as I enter into my sophomore year of college. Freshman year has been a time for explorations and musings, but now my musings have started to develop into concrete paths to my dreams. 

     For example, I have decided to pursue a journalism major and political science minor. All I had to do was consolidate! I haven’t cast my other passions aside; music and songwriting are still very important to me. Rather, I chose to let them remain hobbies, and let me remain me. I refuse to be “the musician” or “the writer.” It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. I think we fall somewhere in between when we play to our strengths (and all that jazz.)

     So I hope you find your equilibrium and play to your strengths, accepting that you are still the same fabulous, talented you regardless of whether or not you are the best of the best in every walk of life. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, perfection is overrated. Now as my final two cents, I would like to add how overjoyed I am that the path set before you and me was laid by none other than Jesus Christ, our loving Creator and Architect. This week, let’s rejoice in the good news that Jesus is laying a concrete path for our lives. xoxo Jess.

//Proverbs 16:9// We make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

//Ephesians 2:10// For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

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